Course Description

Imagine having the skills to feel calm and relaxed in situations that now cause you stress and anxiety. 

Improve Your Health! Reduce high blood pressure, improve digestive function, alleviate anxiety, tension headaches, acid reflux and prevent a host of other health issues, simply by changing the way you breathe. 

Experience a Sense of Peace that is not possible if you are breathing into your upper chest in a fight or flight breathing pattern. 

Be fully present in each moment.  Life is too short to be constantly stressed.  You don't want to get to your last breath and feel that you have missed it.

Reach your optimum Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Potential by Freeing Your Breath.  


Sophie Hawkins

Professional BackgroundSophie Hawkins has offered Thai Massage, Yoga/Meditation and Ayurveda in London, Ontario, Canada since 2005. She studies Ayurveda from the original texts, Dr. Vasant Lad, Dr. David Frawley, Dr. Hebbar in India (where she has travelled extensively), and online with Dr. Douillard. She is certified from the Gerson Institute in New York. She is a passionate researcher and life long learner.Sophie is a Certified Yoga Teacher who has been meditating since she was 10 years old. She teaches Breath Awareness Meditation and Breath Awareness Hatha Yoga. Her classes are accessible to most people and she happily assists her students modify postures in order to be comfortable. The focus in her classes is on opening Chakras by feeling breath in the body through specific instructions and subtle internal cues. Being comfortable in one’s body helps create happiness. Through breath based meditation, subtle aspects of inner body/mind experience can be experienced and consciousness can expand and relax into a quiet stillness.Sophie also holds a Masters in Education (Counselling Psychology). She has 20 years experience in community mental health care, providing support to trauma survivors, psychiatric survivors and people living on the street.Her educational background includes a Bachelor of Fine Art Studies. She is past President of Forest City Gallery, an artist run centre in London where she produced and participated in Solo Exhibitions, Performance Art Festivals and coordinated group shows (Merge, Between the Cracks, UFO Show). She is also trained in dance, is currently training in Bellydancing, and has several years of stage experience.Sophie has appeared on television and radio, spoken at conferences, served on committees and engaged in direct action campaigns on various aspects of human rights.About The Power of Your Breath Course Right now, just notice if your tongue is pressed to the roof of your mouth or pressed against your teeth. If so, you have a pattern of breathing that is detrimental to your health. Most people in the west have a breathing pattern that is detrimental to their mental, emotional, and physical health. You may be in fight or flight mode all day long because of the way you breathe. Adrenal overload and fatigue will eventually take it’s toll on your body and mind. Shallow chest breathing contributes to diseases of the eyes, ears, nose and throat, impacts digestion, internal organ function, sexual function, and creates a mind that is agitated. The body needs the mind to quiet in order to heal from illness and in order to achieve peace. Whatever thoughts occur in the mind, create chemical reactions in the body (often felt as emotions), that either heal us or hurt us. By breathing correctly, we calm our nervous system, improve our digestion and all internal organ functions,  and activate our healing potential. Ultimately we are able to transcend thought, be fully present in the moment, and be at peace. Trying to take a “deep” breath by sucking up in the chest (the shoulders lift towards the ears and the belly is imobile), only creates more anxiety and stress in your body. If your breath is constricted, all your chakras are blocked. Practicing breathing exercises with a pattern of chest breathing in place can actually cause long term damage to your health and well being. Most Yoga teachers in the West teach the 3 part breath incorrectly. It’s impossible to teach it correctly if you are not doing it properly yourself 24/7.  Applying chakra locks such as Mula Bandha is contraindicated if the breath is constricted. Changing your breathing pattern requires awareness until it becomes habit and the body/mind starts to calms down. We breath approx. 26,000 times a day so we have plenty of opportunity to practice! You never have to be bored again waiting in a lineup - you can focus on your breathing and use the time to notice your internal experience of BEING.Many of us are unaware of the breath and thus the body, until it starts to hurt. If you have pain in your body, it is screaming at you to pay attention. The Power of Your Breath will help you obtain essential tools to assist you in creating health and optimizing your potential.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Power of Your Breath

    • Power of Your Breath

    • How to Sit 2:07 min

  • 2


    • Prone (Lying on Your Stomach) 12:41 min

    • Supine (Lying on Your Back) 27:02 min

    • Seated Meditation 10:47

    • Standing Meditation 5:03 min